Nursery Admissions in Delhi Gurgaon Noida NCR 2025-26

Admission Dates | Admission Criteria | Compare schools | Fee Details Kids first day at school~ Pls share pics in school uniform also first day experience :)

Also how was the first day exp, after roller coaster ride.

See last year parents posts.

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Hi Papiya,

First of all heartiest congratulations on getting one of the best schools in Vasant Kunj. I am associated with this

wonderful forum from past 3 years.

My son also got through Santa Maria in 2017 however we withdraw the admission and he got selected in the school of my choice.

Having said that i have attended the orientation in Santa Maria and it was wonderful.

I understand your concern and its very very common. As you said you are already spoken to your daughter so

just keep talking to her.

You can do the following:

1. Do show her the school pictures on the school Website and talk how wonderful the school and teachers are.Santa Maria has that Mini Zoo ( with birds) so just tell her it will be so exiting to see animals.

2. Read few story books related to school. You can buy Bruno book which has a series Bruno goes to school. Read her that. ( you can get that in pyramid book store opp big bazar in vasant kunj).

3. Santa Maria has the policy of compulsory school transport ( i guess she might be travelling by school bus) so may be she is not liking that or anxious so talk to her if anything making uncomfortable.

4. Try to give her favorite snack in her school tiffin and tell her it will so so much fun to eat that in school.

Rest assured your daughter is in safe hands in school and in initial days its really very common and once she will get use to she will feel happy. Initial few days kids just do art and craft activities only so she will adjust.


Telling from my experience.

You can always go and speak to Principal or teachers. They are really nice and always willing to help.

I will you all the best !!

P.S: Your daughter is looking so cute in the school uniform.

Thank you, this really helps.

We also heard so many good things about this school and we ourselves liked it so much when we visited it we thought it might be a good idea to send her idea.Also the school environment and the philosophy is very similar to the playschool she we thought it will be a natural extension of the playschool days!

But you never know how kids would react to things and change in environment!She is just not ready to talk about the school. Yesterday I packed for her, her favourite tiffin.....didn't even touch.In fact, she is in quite a foul mood.

Have talked to the teachers and Principal...Let's see if that works!

Thanks for your suggestions anyways.



Archista looks so pretty, intellectual and seems critical thinking skills has started before schooling.  Well said Meenakshi Bhola.  Your unconditional understanding, constant communication, empathy will help her.  Express your confidence on her and connect with your child with your experience. Don't worry, in few days she will definitely find friends around her and she will be cheerful. 

I am just hoping she soon becomes as cheerful as she was till last Sunday!Tried to share our experience to comfort her...tried to talk about the school....Only thing we get to hear back is-"Assure me that you are not sending me to school tomorrow!" :-(

Papiya congratulations on the first day of school for Archisha. A bit of trepidation is very normal and we've really kept these lil ones in a cocoon. It will get better and you will just have to keep showing her the things she finds in school that she wont find in her home or day care and be gentle in your nudging. Her temper tantrum can only be handled with a gentle touch. Any sign of impatience and they can get very affected. We must ease them into their surroundings. We tried something and will know if it paid off soon as my daughter will start tomorrow - we took her to school on an off day to pick up the uniform and other stationery and made her meet her class teachers and see her class and environment. We will know if this helped in any way tomorrow :) Maybe those of you who haven't yet started with the first day can try it :) Do keep us updated here on how Archisha is settling in. All my best wishes to you :)  

She is too anxious these days.....her sleep is disrupted.....has no interest in even her favourite activities and food....only thing she is repeating thousand times a day...."don't want to go to school"......Tried all the suggestions.....nothing works.Have talked to the school...let's see if that helps!

Shreyashri in uniform

The school opens from 8th April but I couldn't resist posting picture of my child in school uniform. We got this click in studio as required from the school. My child is super excited about new beginning. I am still preparing her in terms of safety aspects. We took her to new school when we were asked to drop books and materials. 

Keeping our finger crossed. 

Snigdha Kar

Heartiest Congratulations, she is really looking very nice :)

Best Wishes  and do share her first day exp.

Surely Sakshi, thanks so much.


Congrats! Shreyashri , beautiful name and she looks very beautiful in uniform and very calm. Best Wishes for her joyful and successful learning.

Thanks Lathaa for your kind words and support


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