Nursery Admissions in Delhi Gurgaon Noida NCR 2025-26

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Has any school in dwarka asked to visit the school?

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 I was asked by Basava school for a school visit. I met with their GM and was told about the school, its amenities, etc. then they escorted me to a class visit. I was told to check the result on 20th Jan. Overall 20~30 mins visit.

Did basava asked any donation etc. Or talked abt any payment?

NO mention of any donation or extra fees or payment. Simply told the fees structure compliant to govt. instructions.

Are you sure they didn't ask for any donation? Last year Basava asked for 80k as mentioned by some other parent in the group.

I am 100% sure. Had they asked for donations, I would have withdrawn my form.

Ok.. Thanks! Howuch points do you have in basava?

Only minimum distance points

I also visited school today. They mentioned 80 K as addmission fee one time . Is it normal?
@ mukta! How did you find basava... Did they tell abt child: teacher rationin class, facilities etc.. And what is their fee structure?
They explained everything, facilities, teacher :chid ratio, focus areas everything. While explaining the fee structure mentioned thi 80k, which is big amount. I asked is ths with all admission, the said yes. So I m confused


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