Nursery Admissions in Delhi NCR 2025-26

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Gurgaon Admissions Open 2014-2015 ~ Common thread for school admissions forms, dates results,Parents are requested to update the thread with admissions dates

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Thaks Harihar for bringing up your voice...

I really think how much time and how much money we are spending just on NURSERY admissions!!! This much time we have never spent on our engineering exams too!

The whole process of getting admission in a reputed school now has become chaotic rather than being very systematic.

Seriously i am very surprised to see the attitude of shows it is only need of parents to get admitted the child in their school;...not the need of school!

We should get united to change this whole process.


Here is another voice from one of our parent. I am sure like this we will get even more strength & surely can have an impact. 

@Uma - Thanks for your support. Duly agree with your comments & even other parents also might be having the same thinking.

Dear Mr Harihar/Sandhya/Uma

We need to approach Dir Education Harayana with our written complaints and also highlight it in media.

Mr Harihar rightly pointed out the moment admissions are over. No one thinks about it.


So lets not let this moment die & take some firm action on urgent basis. But the only concern here is that I am not having much idea about how to proceed so may be if you guys have idea then please let all know so that accordingly things may be planned.

I am sure as momentum goes high, we will get more parents & let atleast give it a try. And for doing so, may be your team can have a format ready of the application which shall be sent to the directorate as suggested by you.

Better late than never.

Hope others too agree to it.

@Sakshi @VR @Sandhya

Every parent is fed up and angry for the practice followed by all schools. but no one has choice. but you are right we should have raise our voice regarding this.

in my opinion lets make one application and share the content on this site only. we all will two letters one to Dir edu haryana and another to media.

as this is largest community of parents on this site if every parent send letter to dir edu, I dont think they will be able to ignore it.

Hi Sakshi,

Do u have any idea how much fees Scottish High will refund in case we decide on a different school in future?

I m not sure but 40k i read in a post.where r u planning to shift ?

Namita,This is Gurgaon thread.Pls leave your query in noida thread.

Hi sakshi

can you please share the fee for Heritage ?

Hi there,

has anybody receive a call from The Heritage School for verification of documents and interaction on 14th and the 15th September respectively???

also please share the feedback for Banyan Tree School...

Chitra I have got mail from heritage for document verification on 14 at 11 am.

But child can't accompany you on that day. they will take you to school walk , registration fee has to be submitted. 

Hi Sakshi,

Can you please compare DPS 45 & DAV. Which scrores better on which front?  there may be some features where DAV scores more or where DPS scores more.

ALso heard DPS 45 is just a franchisee, so not sure if it is at par with main DPS. But, DAV no franchisee. And DAV 49 also branch of DAV14 and all teachers come via same panel. So, from lower class perspective, DAV 49 is no less than DAV 14


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