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Schools to hold a fresh draw of lots based on ‘95 points’ system-Indian Express | 28 Feb 2014

Schools to hold a fresh draw of lots based on ‘95 points’ system

Written by Shikha Sharma | New Delhi | February 28, 2014 1:16 am

Fresh draw of lots will now be conducted in all schools.

The Department of Education (DoE) has amended the nursery admission guidelines by reworking the point allocation system and released a new admission schedule for this academic session.
This comes in the wake of the department receiving numerous complaints about parents misusing the interstate transfer points.

With the deletion of interstate transfer points (5 points), admission to schools will now take place on a 95 points system — “the points determined only as per neighbourhood, sibling studying in school and parent alumni of school criteria”,  a notification by the DoE stated.

Schools will also have to modify the first list of selected candidates, by vacating seats given to interstate transfer applicants. Children already selected based on neighbourhood, sibling and alumni criteria will retain their seats. Those children with 70 points who were selected in the draw of lots will also retain their seats.

“If a school has already conducted draw of lots for applicants with 70 points, the draw shall remain valid for selected/confirmed candidates only. Fresh draw of lots will be held for remaining applicants, who have 70 points, including wait-listed applicants and those applicants who were securing 75 points because of the interstate transfer points category case,” states the order.

Fresh draw of lots will now be conducted in all schools.
In the previous system, of a total of 100 points, 70 are given to children living in the neighbourhood of the school, 20 if the applicant’s sibling studies in the same school and five points each if either parent is an alumnus and if it is an interstate transfer case.

Only those having 75 points out of 100 were considered for the draw of lots while those having 90 points were automatically admitted.

Instead of February 28, the first list of selected candidates, including those belonging to the economically weaker section and disadvantaged group, has been extended to March 15.
The date of display of second list, if any, will be March 20. The date of display of subsequent lists , if any will be from March 21 to March 31, 2014. The admission process will close on March 31.

“Parents have really appreciated the changes made. But parents of those children, who were genuine interstate transfer cases, are now contemplating legal recourse,” Sumit Vohra, founder of, a portal representing the parent community in Delhi, said.

Who will make the cut

  • Children already selected based on neighbourhood, sibling and alumni criteria will retain their seats
  •  Those children with 70 points who were selected in the draw of lots will also retain their seats
  • The date of display of second list, if any, will be  March 20, 2014
  •  The date of display of subsequent lists , if any will be from March 21 to March 31
  • The admission process will close on March 31

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Yes...should be a fresh draw for all.injustice for people who are genuine transfer cases...n what about the people faking EWS category...we should make ourselves competent to crack fake cases n not going on changing the rules.This way...the alumini points also should be gone
there should only be two criteria distance and sibiling alumni no transfer

the admission creteria can be concluded as beloow

EWS - 25 %

Girl Child - 5%

Staff - 5 %

Tnasfer case - 5 %

Alumini - 5 %

General category should be now 55 %

How many of you agree on this ??????????????


Very well,

Earlier point system was based on educational qualification and distance was catagorised  between 2 or three stages. Now they all are getting 70% of the distacne till 8 KM , still they are  not satisfied. They all are fighting for their deleted 5%. They all are not thinking about those dehi kids, who had less chance in NCR and were not even selected for draw.

Apart from Sibling, there should be no quota. Even for sibling case there should be some limit. All other quota are devoid of any rationale.


According to the Delhi High Court-
The government should release a new admission schedule and rework the point allocation system. As the points allotted to a child will now change and a fresh draw of lots will be held in each school.

But DoE are not following the Delhi High Court order and released the guidelines as they required.

The previous draw (barring EWS) should be nullified completely and fresh drawn should be commenced for all the categories otherwise it would injustice for most of the cases applied in various categories including the inter-state transfer and also against the law of equal opportunity to all. All the categories including sibbling and allumni should be assigned some reservation of seats and selection should be through draw among the respective categories.

The problem with the inter-state transfer cases is also jenunine especially for the government and public sector undertakings. It should not be linked with "transfer in last year". Everyone knows that the categories like force personnels, bank employees and other government servents have transfer policies. One can take reference from transfer policy of the organisation also. Who has transfered in is set to transfer out also and they feel problems everywhere and everytime. . They can seldom get the benifit of sibling and allumni. Their problem should also be understand and some reservation of seats be given to them also and selection be made through draw among transfer cases as suggested above.

i totally agree with Mr. Sharma's comment. PSU and central govt. employees have their transferred done regularly. A limit of time is an unjust done to them. this should be taken in the point system.

Actually problem lies with policy makers who do not do ground work properly and left the parents fighting with each other or with system or with school. 

Action should be taken against these culprits for spreading chaos in Nursery Admission all over time and again.

I am completely agree with Mrs. Manoj Kumar Mittal. DoE is also aware the fact that Central Govt. employees have their transferred, they face lots of problems to get admission their wards. But who can understand their actual problem. DoE is chasing the parents rights whenever they are arising their views.


I think everybody is commenting basis their ward ...I think lets respect the guidelines issued by DOE  (even my daughter has not got her name in any list)

We cannot change the whole system in the coming 10-15 days.

India need atleast 200 years . 


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