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Enough.. Can someone help me in filing PIL against LG, DOE, HC, parents who forged documents to be eligible for transfer points and most importantly parents who are filing PILs.

The intention of writing this is not to file a PIL but to make people realise that the ones mentioned in the discussion topic have made a fool of parents who were sincerely hoping to get admission in a school rather than creating chaos.

While government and judiciary have shown their incompetency in dealing with this issue the other 2 parties are equally responsible. I am not trying to mention any solution or criteria here. There are already thousands of criteria floating around. All I want to do is understand the following from your perspective:

1) Parents who forged documents - I really do not know when the parents who forged documents can easily be identified then why no action was taken against them. Isn't it a wrong example being set by the system that try your luck by forging documents. Even if you get caught nothing will be done. (Pl note I understand it will hamper kids admission of this set of parents but atleast parents who were honest may get a chance to get admission than the ones who did malpractices). 

2) Parents who are filing PIL - Till date I have not felt that it is for the benefit of the parents as a whole but is guided by very few parents and their mentors who are showing these parents wrong directions. If I a do not fall under Alumni or Sibling criteria then it is not a good enough reason for me to fight against these criterias. If because of 8 km criteria more candidates applied to the school near my school then it can't become a reason for me to create a ruckus and bring change in the system. 

This year the process may lead to a stage where the last crtieria in question will be distance and our 'Honorable' system may order submission of fresh applications. After yesterday ruling it could be seen that the government needed Holi break. Its a vicious circle and I really can't think of a solution. 

RATHER DO NOT WANT TO PROPOSE A SOLUTION. DO NOT THINK PEOPLE WILL STOP GIVING THEIR CRITERIA, OR STOP MOBILISING GROUP OF parents. As parents are still trying to float their version of criteria online lets see where this leads to..


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Every Parent is showing their selfishness and it is sure that nothing if going to come out of these PIL. Ultimately the parents whoz kid got selected in the 1st draw may have to loose.

It was important to take strict action under section 420 against those who submitted fake Transfer documents. The chaos is created by some parents for which everyone is getting sleepless nights and session will also get too late. Our LG is to some extent is reponsible as he had not taken decisions in a appropriate manner.

One bench overruling another. Staying the proceedings. Ordering fresh draw of lots. & then calling for all the relevant data from schools. What's goin' on honorable high court? Why can't u guys get your heads together & solve this mess once and for all. Why entertain various PIL's? Haven't u guys heard the story about sour grapes? Perhaps u need to go back to nursery too. Saywhaa......
this all chicken and egg cycle started by LG, LG, and only LG!
1. removing first child points,
2. not giving a gradient distance point,
3. and most importantly saying "atithi devo bhava"-giving extra luxurious points to transfer cases to show that delhiites are really DILWALLAS and further did he not know that by giving extra 5 points he was inviting migration in delhi??? "come hither we are waiting to give you services and advantage in admission to your kids"
somebody pointed out that out of all the transfer cases 75% were after 18th december, the deadly date on which LG gave 5 more points to the transfer cases.
Mr Aanand Ahluwalia i lke your saywhaa...they really need nursery themselves, then they will realize-ohh fish my name is not even eligible for draw???? then ohhh i am not selected in the draw??? oh there is no good nusery in my viscinity??? boohooohooo....jab sar par padegi tabhi samajh ayegi parents ki rudaad-e-admission!
Parents who forged the documents should be tried under sec 420 and made to pay heavy fines, which could be utilised to create a fund for assisting schools in increasing seats and starting second shifts in therir schools. Kids whose parents have cheated should not be victimised and should be given qual opportunity as all others in Draw of lots.


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