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AN.Com Exclusive-Private schools demand scrapping of discriminatory points system | Parents and Founder of Protest Against Existing Point system | Indian Express dated 30 Nov

Private schools have demanded that the government ban the preference given to certain category of children during nursery admissions, as they prepare to admit next year’s batch.

An umbrella body of private schools demanded the government ban allocation of extra weightage to girls and to applicants with single parent among others saying that such criteria are discriminatory.

The Delhi government had introduced a new point system for nursery admissions last year that allowed schools to allot points to applicants based on criteria they deemed fit, expect for a few that were banned by the government.

The the new point system was enforced under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE), which bars any discrimination during nursery admission. R C Jain, chairperson of the Delhi State Private Schools Association (DSPA) that claims to have at least 750 member schools, said certain criteria which some schools followed last year were discriminatory.


“Take for example the case of extra points given to applicants with single parent. A child’s parents should not be of concern to the school,” Jain said. In their letter to the Education department last week, the DSPA has also suggested extra weightage given to applicants whose grandparents were alumni of a particular school should also be banned, Jain said.

A senior Education official said a set of guidelines for schools to follow this admission season will be announced late December or early January, after which admissions will begin.

Prabhat Raman, Principal of Dr Radhakrishnan School in Defence Colony, said criterion such as giving extra points to a girl applicant is unjust to boy applicants.

We are asking that girl applicants should not be given preferential treatment. Because of this criterion, only girls were admitted in some schools last year,” he said.

Gitish Chandra Jham, principal of Lawrence Public School in Janakpuri, said he will soon write to the Directorate of Education (DoE)to stop schools from discriminating between girls and boys.

Chairperson of the DSPA Jain said they have also suggested that the criterion of giving extra points to applicants whose parents are in a transferable job, which some schools followed last year, should also be scrapped.

“Also, only those applicants whose parents are alumnus, and not grandparents, should be given extra points,” he said.

While the DSPA has demanded these changes, the National Progressive Schools Alliance (NPSA), another key association of leading private schools, prefers to wait for government guidelines.

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President L V Sehgal told Newsline, “Till now we have not proposed any changes to our member schools.”


Admissions criteria won’t be revised, says Lovely


Education minister Arvinder Singh Lovely on Tuesday said the criteria for nursery admissions for next year’s batch will not be very different from those followed last year. He said last year’s experiment with a new point system for admissions worked quite well and the government has not received complaints strong enough for it to overhaul the system.

“We did receive suggestions from some quarters, including the suggestion that applicants with alumnus parents should not be given extra weightage. The point is, we cannot please everyone,” Lovely told Newsline.

The minister said the government will announce the admission schedule and guidelines for schools to follow by late December or early January.

He said the criteria will be notified at the right time, otherwise schools take undue benefit and charge tuition fee from parents months in advance.



Parents (of AdmissionsNursery.Com)  who Newsline spoke to said reforms in nursery admissions envisaged under the RTE won’t take shape if the government decides to go ahead with last year’s guidelines.

Meenal Agarwal, a resident of West Delhi said, her son is a case in point to illustrate the discrimination meted out to several students under the current system.

“If the same criteria persists, I will lose out on many grounds. West Delhi does not have many renowned schools, plus, I have a son. There are no special points for boys in any schools,” she said.

Another parent, Gagandeep Kaur Saini was worried about the uncertainty that prevails. “I am seeking admission for my child this year and I hope that last year’s confusion regarding nursery admissions is not repeated.”

L V Sehgal, President of the National Progressive Schools Alliance, said last year’s confusion was caused by the fact that the criteria and notifications were announced very late,

“If last year’s criteria will be repeated this year also then there should be no confusion at all,” he said.

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Parents, Pls give your take on Girl Child points and Single Parent points

Hi All,

According to me there should not be any special point for a girl child and single parent. Boys and Girl are equal now a days. This is one of the way of discremination.
Regarding single parent this is a personal issue, i dnt think child should get mercy for this.


Vandana Arora

Sakshi, I stay within 200m of a prestigious North Delhi school and have an only son. Last year, they called only parent's of girl child for a draw. Male children who were siblings were the only ones who could get admitted. Ditto in most of the other schools.
Male children without quota only started getting calls in schools from the second list last year!
Personally, I believe there is no reason for giving extra points to a girl child. You might want to provide monetary incentives from Ladli scheme!
Also, single parents should not be given any extra points. Schools may consider on case basis post filtering alongside General candidates


Most comments posted are biased. Parents who have male child will not like to have special points given to girl child and parents of girl child will not say anything against it. Similarly, parents who have sibling or alumni points going their way would not say anything against it.
We have to see bigger picture and should say what we want as standard and applicable to people at large.

very well said MR mandeep singh arora ji as I am a single mom with a girl child , currently I am jobless only have my savings left for my daughters education. I do not belong to a wealthy family so alumni n transfer thing won't help my child getting admitted in the school. I only got two points girl child n single parent.. so you tell me If these things get scrapped out what will I do. send my child to a government school.I have been hearing things like donation n all, so is it true that you have to give it, as already the fees are so high... so tel me what should I do.

Priyanka, this is what I am saying. You have girl child so you don't want that benefit to go. Same for me, I also have girl child and I don't wanna loose additional 10 points bcoz I just have distance and girl child point to play with.

In my earlier comments, I did mention that if we have to live with points system then points for distance should be increased to 40-50 atleast.

Priyanka - sorry to hear about your predicament. However, on balance there are poor parents out there who have an only male child as well. Is it the fault of the male child that he has both parents?? Why even bring this in as a criteria for discrimination? Where will these parents go?

anand ji . I was wrote that reply not to hear sorry from anyone. I was just putting my point of view. If a kid has a two parents the problems are handled twice better time than a single parent. I am not saying that is it the fault of the male child it's no one's fault. but one can not scrap the practicality of life. how a life runs not by one hand or leg by both hands n legs.
the thing is the people who are not in my place won't understand it in anycase. that's why school kept these things u agree for alumni n sibling, cause maybe you have two kids. but people like us who have one kid wid one parent have only that girl child option n single parent one. so tell me where is school's unfair.. I don't think so.. rest it's my opinion nt urs.. my wishes for your chil'd admission.

maybe I was unable to make my point of view clear to you. I was appreciating your thinking. but whether you say it bias or what. but I know I have only that option for my dolls admission . so I am not against single parent thing neither in alumni thing, schools are not impractical people they are well educated. alumni n sibling for both parents n single parent n girl child for people like me...
the only thing I am not in favor of donations that's it... all the best for your baby's admission...


I concur with your balance approach to the issue at hand .
Making special provisions and privileges for women ( read girl ) is well enshrined in article 15 of our constitution.
As it is pointed in article it is difficult to please all parents since any system of selection giving preference to one over other in context to a parameter is bound to be oppose by the set of parents who are not benefited

Hi Rahul, article 15 in the Constitution does not ask for special provisions based on male or female child. It only talks about special provisions for women and children (all children irrespective of their being male or female). It is indeed difficult to please all parents. But why make reservations where it is not required? Make reservations based on income .. all children should be treated similarly!


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