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Are AC schools good for childern when it comes to their health in long run?

My daughter is 2.6 years old and she will go to regular school probably next year. I aways have this question in my mind which I have never seen anyone talking about. I at times find many good schools which attract me when I think about my daughter but one thing that confuses me is weather she should go to All AC school. Wont it affect her immunity, stamina etc.

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Good question,

As per my knowledge it is not good, frequent tempreture change can harm the body. Kids can get habitual of comfort from childhood which may not be good as we don't know what future has in store for us.


Nothing beats pollution free fresh air. However A/Cs are good for increased productivity, concentration and may result in better health in extreme temperatures (45 deg or rainy humid or polluted env). For moderate temperatures, pollution free, ventilated, well lit rooms are much better. 

Let me share my experience: I put my son to all A/C play school at the age of 2y8m. He did fall ill frequently, mostly during summers, and sometimes had to remain absent from school for more than a month! Then we switched to other completely non-A/C play school, that had well lit, ventilated with sufficiently fresh air and his attendance was 100%! Again in school he went to all A/C school and started falling ill in initial two months giving attendance of 75%. During the summer vacations he never fell ill for long duration. After these summer vacations, though his attendance has been 100% so far.

So we feel that all A/C env does result in health issues. However, there are parents sending kids to all AC schools and the kids are OK. Mind you, health problems in earlier age, may also be due to age factor since kids are in the process of building up their immunity by falling sick comparatively frequently. Such occurrences start diminishing as the kid grows and have better immunity. 

I read somewhere that countries that are more prone to diseases, their kids, result in better immunity but compromise on brain development. So it could be a trade off between better physical immunity vs brain development.

In case of all A/C school, do make sure that kids have good exposure to parks and physical activities.

Another point against A/Cs are: considering most of the good universities/institutions in India are non A/C, it may be challenge for children to adjust there later in life.


  • Amit Kumar Gupta choose a schools on performance, distance, reputation basis not on a/c basis .
  • Gurpreet Singh I would say there has to be combination on the use of air conditioners and fans in the school. Delhi weather is such that today in some months you can't survive without ac's. On the other hand outdoor activities should remain outdoors and not in indoor ac halls. Tough to find such schools with good combination but they do exist :)
  • Pooja Datta Sahni my daughter is four and has been going to a centrally airconditioned school from the past two yrs..i agree that choose a school on the basis of performance and distance.. If it happens to b a centrally air conditioned school so be it... Times r changing..
  • Anantharaman Narayanan Ritu - come admission time .. I don't think you would be at a liberty to choose. Such is the system that the Sibal raj has built - unless you have a sibling/alumni quota or at least a first born girl child (or10 Lakhs stashed away). As for A/C, that is incidental. Go by what the school has to offer in terms of curricula and past performance of students. Current parents are the best source of information.
  • Ritu Mishra I think students r getting lazy n careless in studies bcoz of dis unnecessary comfort n facilities,,,
  • Ashish Kumar Me and my wife were primarily filling up school forms on the basis of facilities provided in school, this includes the culture maintained in school as well. We were totally against any sort of air-conditioned environment in school. Thankfully, got admission in such school still teaching environment were at best.
  • Nidhi Tripathi Just one question to all : How much comfort are we giving to our children at home?

Like occasional DTC bus travel idea!

 Yes children must know how we travelled .

Very well said Vidisha ji. I completely agree with you

Excellent preparation I would say, When I also remember my initial schooling days we used to seat on floor, so atleast now kids are given chair and table, transport which is more than enough.

Provided the child is getting adequate exercise and access to natural conditions for at least 3 to 4 hours a day , there is no harm in sending your child to an all A/C school.

If a kid is only made to live in a controlled environment, there is no harm, airconditioning is not a luxury, but a necessity today. Indian conditions are really bad by all global standards, so, if you can support your's & kid's lifestyle with controlled atmosphere, you should not bother..
    • Nidhi Tripathi Now if you talk about AC schools, times have changed. That should not be the priority, Gurgaon DPS 45 have already made their buses AC. Now what say on this one?
    • Priya Rajendran Sharma Ac schools hv outdoor activities as well n I feel its perfectly fine to give a balanced treatment to our kids. The weather conditions are quite extreme n gradually there is more acceptance towards ac as being a necessity n not luxury just as tv, car etc. Also wish to know how many ppl who are objecting actually give themselves the same treatment by staying in ac free offices/homes or don't head out in Ac cars /

Agree with Priya!

I totally agree with you Vidisha! It is heartening to see that you share the same viewpoint as me on this issue :) (I was beginning to think I am being too austere!) My son suffered from cough and cold for 6 months at a stretch when he began his play school last year. It was awful! I feel it does not help a toddler's immunity to be in an AC environment. Yes, we are a hot country but not as hot as the Middle East that we need AC schools and buses.  I feel my child should learn to adapt to his natural environment, rather than an artificial one. It will help him later in life.


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