Nursery Admissions in Delhi NCR 2025-26

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I was applying for my Son's nursery admissions through the online link.

I am facing the following technical issues

1) LINK TO ACTIVATE ACCOUNT - it gives a message 404 Not Found and page is not displayed.

2) LOGON - Even without the activation I was able to log on and I started to fill the form

3) When I went for submission, it gives me a message
You Have Completed Maximum Limit.
You Can't Register More Than Two Student.
I haven't done any earlier submission. Now whenever I log on, and click on registration form, it gives me the same message.

4) In The re-print form tab, it gives the following message

To complete Registration Process you must make Payment of Rs. 25/=.
without payment your form will not be considered.

Click "Pay Now" Button if not paid yet.

There is no pay button and there is no reference of the submission that I did for my child.
Anyone else faced the issue ?

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I faced the same issue on the same day... its working fine.. i could apply... very user-friendly website.... physical submission of form not required..


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