Nursery Admissions in Delhi Gurgaon Noida NCR 2025-26

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I would like to know as to how many of you had a change in address after your child got admission in a school.

E.g. Suppose we are currently residing near Sector 119 Noida and we plan to move to another sector within Noida, say by October end. By then I suppose most of the admissions would be completed. Suppose we get an admission in to a school and we need to inform school, how and what is the procedure? Are there any problems being faced please?

Your help would be appreciated.

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Post your query in common thread for parents response.

Ok sure will do

at the link mentioned by you here, sakshi?


Hi...No problems in address change post admission.


Many Traditional school ask for current Address proof with Aadhar card. Also give admission as per distance  defined by school ( school specific).

See last year links for reference.

Yes Most of the  New Age Schools do not have issue with Address.

Yes Sakshi... they ask for address proof with aadhaar card at the time of admission. But after admission is granted, if one shifts elsewhere, it is generally not a problem. Many parents shift homes during the child's schooling years. It doesnt matter once admission is granted to the child.


I think there is some confusion, Pls see  link at the time of applying, you need to have  current address.

Now in this case Esha staying  in residing near Sector 119 Noida won't be eligible, if she does not meet the distance criteria.

Oh there is some confusion in understanding the question then! Definitely admission is granted on current address. I thought the question was that once admission is granted on current address, and after admission one changes residence, then will it be a problem with the school. I was replying to this understanding. Sorry, if i have misunderstood

No worries :)

You are helping parents a lot.

Thanks Again.

Hi Esha,

I don't think that will pose an issue.

If you have already secured an admission, be rest assured if you are a genuine case.

Rest, after session presumes..visit school with an application for change of address, relevant documents, and also you have to give an undertaking for transportation (if school transport is not covering that area).


Yes no issues with New Age Schools.

But Many of Traditional School in Noida with consider current address only at the time of applying.

See below few leading schools admission details for reference.


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