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Most sibling and alumni cases got admissions in schools of their choice..Sibling we understand and support it but why Alumni points being given #Indirectscreening #RemoveAlumni points to give a level

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Indeed this has been major issue..

Ppl are getting so tense every year due this criteria.

Distance is fine girl child is fine..

If u give alumni siblings then give firaf child too.

3000 entry nd 40 seat how this can be justified


Agreed its totally unfair. Schools like Mother's International are our of reach for parents like me who have not studied in that school and also don't have sibling in that school.


Unfortunately this will not happen. I am myself left without making firstlist/waitlist after applying for 15 schools - only 2-3 were highly sought after.

Besides, Alumni and Sibling pointsAnd, then again distance criteria for every school is different.. I have not made to DOL in 3 schools missing by less than 1/2 KM Distance was 0-3 KM. And school nearer to my place give same points for 8-10 KM. The distance criteria for every school should be same. 

I did 32 schools last yr...

Dint make it to even 1...

Got name only in 2 list and booked seat so that year dint get wasted.

Though now i m happy atleast she is doing fine..

Cant say how big names school make kifs study..

Bt my frfr she did in 1 school...

Put approach of big political person and got her daughter admitted .

Thats how this system works...


  • Totally agree. It is very unfair to give alumni point. If parents were in good school or i say top most school then their kids are sure to get into the same school but for others very few seats are available. People like us who were not fortunate enough to study in the good schools for any reason at our time, find it very difficult to get our kids in these schools now. Alumni points act like screening of parents which is not fair. If school wants to give alumni points then there should be restrictions for this no of students under Alumni. So more actual general seats are available. 

Even normal business class are not given preference now

Salary class is given preference doctors etc are too give preference.

Two of my frnd got admission of kids just by mailing them nd by end of march last yr thy get admission in top notch school inspite if not having name even in wait list or so

Our  Founder Mr Sumit Vohra has been raising this issue from last years but 10 years but as Autonomy given  to schools  Hon'HC to frame their own Guidelines Even DOE cannot anything unless Delhi Education Act is amended.


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