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Good for those who can afford.

But Sakshi ma'am, I would like to ask for your advise for the case of Parents like me. I come from a lower middle class family and have a house in a LIG colony. But I am now earning more than enough so that I can easily afford to send my son to such new age schools. However, I have seen the children of some of my relatives who go to such schools. These kids suddenly start comparing themselves and their parents with other students and their parents. They start feeling ashamed if you go to pick them up in an i10 or Swift because their classmates have mercedes or audi etc. They can't invite their friends to their home because they feel their own house is not big enough compare to their friends'. This whole thing makes them materialistic at a very young age.Now, do you think such a scenario is good for holistic development of a child? I myself went to a government school but it never occured to me at that time that my parents were poor - which is how it should be for a child.  

Is their a way to avoid such a situation, because I would like to send my kid to best of schools if such concerns can be addressed. Kindly give me your thoughts on this.


That the flip side,

True .Mr Vohra has highlighted parents who have affordability and donot mind sending kids to expensive school having high disposable income are opting .


Thanks for a quick reply.

Thats why I think its not entirely beneficial to send your child to a new swanky school just because you can afford it. You have to think about whether you can match the overall lifestyle of others who avail such schools for their kids. If, after spending so much money, your kid still develops an inferiority complex then whats the use.

By the way, As I don't have first hand experience of such schools do you think what I am saying is partly true or am I just being too conservative?


It depends on the home atmosphere  also but not all schools have peer pressure. Yes some schools do have snob value .

We have to give importance for right values. I think value of education is missing in the school you have mentioned.  Education should retain human values and address all aspects of life.

Mr.Vohra has given an unique information about new age schools and well explained with a perfect example. Thanks.

Lathaa Ma'am, could you please provide the link to Mr. Vohra's article that you mentioned? Thanks


Pls see details blog by Lathaaji, As above article is written by Mr vohra .


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