Nursery Admissions in Delhi Gurgaon Noida NCR 2025-26

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Nursery admission: HC questions logic behind pts to transfer~PTI

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Transfer points have been removed by high court .their will be redraw .I hope we should raise the issue for the points of first child .their should be 5 points for first child to counter siblings/ alumni points.

I completely agree with this........ 5 points should go to the first child

I agree law should not be unfair to first child...

Thanks Mr Vohr & Sakshi Madam & all Team !! for your best efforts for all our us


Its amazing how wisdomful or skeptical people become once they have seen the results of their decisions.

Hindsight Wisdom---

"Why should there be any points?" the bench said. 

Well I am ashamed of the DOE if they could not answer this point satisfactorily.

There are people in this country who get transferred from city to city (sometimes against their will). They may be working in PSUs or public sector banks even armed forces or administrative services with the govt. 

They need transfer points because once in a blue moon they got transferred to delhi at the right time --- when their child was to get admitted in a school. For all the work he does or is going to do -- he might 2-3 yrs later be transferred to a Sahranpur or Shimoga or City XYZ.

This "undue" advantage that your "Atithi" (ppl commenting below have the audacity to call an Indian coming to Delhi an atithi) got gives him the courage to decide that when he is made to move again whether he should leave his family behind (since his child is studying in a one of the best schools in India) or take them with him hoping that this schooling will enable his child to get admission in any other good school wherever he goes.

Hindsight Skepticism:

"Why should there be any points?" the bench said. 

Why should be there any points for Alumni???

This is the same portal, same set of people and same Courts of Justice which had hailed these new guidelines as a "progressive set of guidelines" 

So people who got admissions into schools on account of purely random selections or may be because they were children of Alumni of the school should enjoy privileges?

What makes this alumnus' child a more privileded lot than a poor 70-pointer in current scheme of things?

One can keep turning their notch of skepticism and keep questioning any set of rules---

What precise benefit are you trying to provide by sibling points --- frankly speaking unless the children are twins same school has no logistic benefit for parents... you have two pay fees via two checks ... send them school via modes of transports that fit individual schedules... so on and so forth.

If the question is on manipulation of criterion points ... I think its far more easier to manipulate and fraudulently get those 70 points than get the 5 points of transfer.

I guess a little bit of analytics will tell you that no of transfer cases coming today and competing with "poor 70-pointers" is far more because the criterion for 70 points have been liberalized. 

If DPS XYZ used to get 5 transfer cases last year when their highest proximity points were for 1 km aerial distance. Assuming uniform demographics the number of transfer cases can increase on an average 64 times since the area in consideration now is in 8 km radius.

I agree.

Plz raise the point for first child n it should genuinely b considered. .plz..if sibling has 20 points..wat about first should be considered

If go by the current point system,we hav first boy child n so what if we r living in the 8km radious,we don't hav any right for educating our child coz we don't hav those extra 5 points.n its a bitter reality which gives birth to middlemen..where poor. Parents will go now.richer one will buy what should we do..

Thanks Mr. Vohra and Sakshi. God bless you both!

Thanx to the AN team for all their efforts.


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