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Our Son Yash has viral fever..yesterday His fever went upto 102, I noticed some white spots on his hands and on legs.

I got panic attack...we ran to our nearest Doctor's clinic with whom we met in the noon in a Hospital.

He said, nothing serious...It a pattern which occurs when fever is high.

Why I am mentioning this, coz just seeing those white spots I was so much worried.. how would we send our kids to school where they would spend 6-7 hrs??

Yesterday I saw another news where a 7 yr old kid was murdered in the school washroom. His throat was slit 2 times. What was his mistake? what was his parents mistake??

After seeing all this accidents, I am not sure how we would our Son go to school and spend 6-7 hrs.

Would not we be restless in those 6-7 hrs??

Schools where safety concerns are being raised!!! Schools where no such safety guidelines are implemented!!!

They are taking hefty amounts from the parents and what they are giving in return!!!
There is a clause in their form, if something happens to you ward in School campus, if He/She is injured in any circumstances, School won't take responsibilities for that.....such statements are written.

Seriously I am bit worried now... whenever I am seeing my kid, there is fear in my mind.

I am seeing those parents who are crying for their kid in front of Ryan International school demanding justice for Pradhuman. Their kids were his friends. Now other kids are so horrified that they are asking their parents to change their school.

What impact would have made on their innocent heart.. clueless minds.

That is why i said...we were a we are worried and anxious parents.

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V True all parents is worried.

its very sad to hear such horrible news.....its very shocking that why schools can not take any action against such cases ... 


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