Nursery Admissions in Delhi Gurgaon Noida NCR 2025-26

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Nursery Admissions in Delhi - Exclusive 2015-2016 Updates

Nursery Admissions in Delhi 2015-2016 Updates

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Comment by mahesh jain on April 21, 2014 at 5:36am

@arvinder ji.... you can search posts about modern school at and u will find many -ve view about the modern school vv

Comment by Sheena Aneja on April 20, 2014 at 11:42pm
dear sakshi,can u please advise me on maxfort school, daughter has got through this school?
Comment by Arvinder Kaur Bhandoola on April 20, 2014 at 10:34pm
I am aware of that. It's the Vasant vihar branch. So basically no one can stop modern vv since it's know for it's antics?!?
Comment by mahesh jain on April 20, 2014 at 10:06pm

@arvindfer kaur  ji... as posted by  maam andf other members here on that modern school is known for its Mischievous acts ... by the way maam which branch is going to start classes???

Comment by Arvinder Kaur Bhandoola on April 20, 2014 at 9:57pm
Modern school is starting nursery classes tomorrow. Confirmed.
Comment by SACHHIN SAPRA on April 20, 2014 at 8:35pm

SC follows different system than HC

1.First permission is sought from judges to admit/allow SLP/appeal.

2. If above appeal is permitted then opposite parties are served with copies of appeal in the mode and format ordered by Judges.

3. After above exercise in 2 is complete first listing is decided by SC registry when it finds that all the opposite parties have been served with copy of petition.

Take the case of SUbroto roy . After he was sent to jail by SC his next date of hearing was fixed 2 weeks later and the date was showing in advance list, but 1 day before the case was not picked for hearing in daily list. It happens in SC. But there is a valid reason behind it.

Starting session before summer vacation is a foregone conclusion now.


Comment by Devanjan Majumdar on April 20, 2014 at 6:31pm

Sachin, browsed through the entire SC website. There is no update to the case other than assigning the case number. So now if it is not 21st we are hoping it to be 22nd...if not 22ns then 23rd? Don't they assign a particular date to a case in SC like in HC. In all the HC cases all the hearings did happen on the day it was mentioned. Is the concept of advance causelist and daily causelist only in SC? By how many days can the cases get delayed if it is not picked up in the final list as per the advance list? Incidentally as per the calendar on the website the summer vacation for the court starts on 12th of May and ends on 30th of June.....

Comment by SACHHIN SAPRA on April 19, 2014 at 10:11pm


Comment by Mark William on April 19, 2014 at 6:51pm
Query by monika

has asn taken admission of 70 point holders ?

if yes

by which draw before 28 feb or draw after 28 feb

1 hour ago
@monika ji, I reposted ur query from 70 pointer info blog to this blog, as more answers will b available here
Comment by Sakshi (Moderator) on April 19, 2014 at 6:06pm


Its showing in advance cause list but not in confirm list for 21Apr .

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