Nursery Admissions in Delhi Gurgaon Noida NCR 2025-26

Admission Dates | Admission Criteria | Compare schools | Fee Details Raises Parent Concern Over Confusion Created By DPS sec 45 Sch00lGurgaon in The Admission process -C TODAY HINDUSTAN TIMES /TIMES OF INDIA (identity of parents kept confidential)

DPS Gurgaon puts admissions on hold


New Delhi: Many parents who had their interaction for admission to nursery in Delhi Public School (DPS), Gurgaon, scheduled for Wednesday were in for a surprise. The school suddenly suspended its ongoing admission process citing the Right to Education (RTE) Act as a reason.
   A notice to this effect was put up on the school’s official website stating: ‘‘As per the latest government instructions regarding RTE, there are some changes in method of admitting children in various classes. In the absence of clear guidelines/decisions at this moment, we are suspending all activities pertaining to the admission process with immediate effect.’’
   Parents believe DPS’s move to stop admissions for the moment may turn into a precedent for other schools in the NCR which are midway into the process of admissions. DPS, Gurgaon, had started selling admission forms for nursery on August 2, with August 10 being the last date for submission of applications. Several children had been selected on the basis of the interaction that was scheduled on subsequent days. Many parents have already paid the admission fee, but now the selection of their child may stand invalid in wake of the new circular that came on Wednesday.
   Although the school assured the parents that it will follow the directives of the government and will be transparent in its admission process, this development has unsettled those parents, who have already paid the admission fee.
   As per the RTE Act, no child shall be put through a screening process (interview or written test) at the time of admission. The Gurgaon branch of DPS had, however, interviewed candidates applying for admission to nursery, which is in contradiction with the provisions of RTE.

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Replies to This Discussion am i child's interaction is yet to happen & i have no clue what's next???
Even my son's intercation is due next week ! How r they going to select if child is not being questioned ? Randomly ? Lottery system ? So confused ! will have to keep a check on other schools as well !
Now what to do ? should we fill other school forms ? what will be the process ?
We have been called on 27th August for the same.

I was going through the news in HT this morning and was suprised how come school decided to give admission to 14 children (14/200), they have not even completed there so called screening process. On what cretria these kids were selected and now since they have suspended the process what will happen... confusion confusion confusion....
hei sachna,

congratz you cleared the biggest and most difficult F1 circuit of life. ..:-) .

Please continue to share the school news, we have been give 27th August as D Day!...

Puneet Sachar

sachna manu said:
mine got selected and am confused..i think better to try for other schools too...if this law is applicable no school can conduct howz the selection going to b???
hey where did u manage to get to see those names of kids selected??

Puneet Sachar said:
We have been called on 27th August for the same.

I was going through the news in HT this morning and was suprised how come school decided to give admission to 14 children (14/200), they have not even completed there so called screening process. On what cretria these kids were selected and now since they have suspended the process what will happen... confusion confusion confusion....


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