Nursery Admissions in Delhi Gurgaon Noida NCR 2025-26

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No matter how much we praise the new point system but it is becoming nightmare for the parents of kids who scored just the distance points.

Now, I think, the previous point system was ok.

I have all top schools within 3 km of my home (South Delhi) but since the criteria is 8 km and number of applications has increased manifolds (AS STATED BY MR VOHRA IN OTHER POST) in all schools just due to this, I have no chance.

Almost all top 15 schools are saying they have more application > 75 points for total number of seats. That means my kids doesn't even get a opportunity to be included in a lucky Draw. THE END OF THE ROAD FOR PARENTS WITH 70 POINTS.

Mr VOHRA Can we still think something about this??

People are getting nervous and hopeless due to this.



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Yes, I agree we should sit on the dharna otherwise nothing going to happen.

I tried to bring people together with This Petition but what all the parents are doing is shout sher aaya sher aaya and not act. only 52 signed up!! And that too when not a penny is going to be spent filling up the form.

You are right Amit!

Let me confess I am one of those who missed this but I missed this genuinely as today is the first time I saw this.

Everyone want to shout in forums and few can act as you are mentioning.

The reality is we can't teach people as to what they can and should do. We can device an easy path so that people with various schedules can come together as per when they can.

I can see a lot of great work people are doing like analysis and other documents and we can use them as tools and increase awareness in a physical platform like STRIKE then depending on blogs/forums.

And moreover, it is not something to prove a point for our effort but a bigger reason of scrapping the nonsense that DOE has created for Delhi parents.

If people are ready we can organize a simple protest and this is last weekend to make some difference else READY TO GET SUPER DEPRESSED!!

please make more people to signup. at least 1000 should sign up so that we can file a complaint.

Hi Amit, wasnt aware of the petition. Signed up just now. Request everyone else to be a part of this struggle!

please make more people to signup. at least 1000 should sign up so that we can file a complaint.

Yes he is very right very simple and easy no point system where we will go
School is not a property k transver ho

i dont think previous distance criteria is good as you said most of schools nearby your home (with in 3 km) but many peoples who dont have more then 1-2 schools then what they do sir ji

i think no point only draw system is ok


0-8  - 70 points

sibbling -  point

first child - point

girl quota

staff quota

transfer quota

they both way i found more suitable bcoz in current criteria if we have transfer quota then i dont think this situation comes then draw with 70 points etc more chances to select

we totally agree with you Mr. Amit. if this time goes,, we will all be sitting back homes/ our offices just discussing about alll this crap. we should not cry over split milk. instead join hands together in front of Govt.

after all its matter of our kids future.we should file case with court with signatures of n number of parents.

we will have to find out a way. time is very less in hand now.

think about transfer cases they are more important for govt instead of locals, if yes thn give him quota like girl quota why give them points i dont able to understand

and also shock when saw approx 90% of parents got transfer in last year (According to nursery admission data) is it possible?


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