Nursery Admissions in Delhi Gurgaon Noida NCR 2025-26

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Why so much hue and cry now?? No one spoke when the admission criteria was issued

STATESMAN 10 MAR Parents are requested to read comments first and see last 3 year history and then comment

I feel we Indians have a peculiar problem of getting into blame game.. Right now I am doing the same by blaming everyone :)

When the admission criteria was announced, no one uttered a word and everyone went ahead and filled applications.. As the results dates came closer, each criteria was discussed and everyone had his or her version for each criteria (obviously as per individuals comfort level). Bottom line is everyone wants the criteria as per his or her liking.. We have created the mess and not the government. At the end it is some or the other kid in question and someone will have to accept the fact.. Rules can't be customized as per everyone's liking. 

Will just park few thoughts (For reference):

1) Neighborhood - I stay 20 KM away from DPS RK Puram or Vasant Kunj? Should I file a case on grounds of equality and my right etc that I should also get equal chance to get admission in this school and all other reasons? Many more reasons for each parent. 

2) Transfer - So one who has spent entire life in Delhi, should they shift to other states for admissions as migrants are getting additional points? Many more reasons can be given.

3) Alumni - I wonder if it is the fight for very good 'popular' schools or average schools.. Will anyone raise questions for normal schools? 

4) Siblings - Basis arguments discussed on Forum of dynastic etc, Alumni makes it dynastic but sibling doesn't for future? 

What I feel is everyone has their own versions depending on their fulfillment of criteria.

What's disappointing is we have created a mess. It is the shortsighted parents who wake up when they find their kid may not get admission in this list and few parents supporting such issues. 


I have also applied for 20 plus schools and have not got admission for my son anywhere. But this mess created by SO CALLED INTELLECTUAL PARENTS is not taking it anywhere..



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shruti very well summed up.

this year's  guideline is the mot transparent one but still received the most flake and faced many PILs and went through changes.

the real reason is expectation  which lead to disappointment.  inspite of many kids getting admission the number of people who got eligible for all top schools and went for draw whether at 75 or 70 very huge in number unlike other years when draw happened only in few numbers  due to points criteria were different and there were many slabs  owing to distance and school own points criteria beside alumni and sibling .   

so earlier there were 6-7 groups and people knew there was no chance so they were fine with whatever they got and some manged through management quota seats but this year unlike previous years there are 3 groups only i.e with sibling points (with or without alumni points ) ....90 or 95 points.........75 points (alumni) and general category with 70 points and with sibling cases getting admission the tussle was just between 75 and 70 pointers and both together ganged up to remove 75 pointers with transfer points and post that they are fighting among themselves and with so many now eligible owing to flat 8 kms distance criteria the hope was created in several thousands of cases with 70 points and so everyone was happy till the final result where the "Great Nursery Dream" was shattered and with thousands of people not getting admission after  getting into draw of lots and it started with girl child draw of lots only as everyone with a girl child thought "you never know we might be lucky to get a seat" and the drama continued for the next several rounds of draw of lots.......... getting hopeful and  finally getting disappointed  and in every school the number of people not getting through ran into several thousands unlike previous years which was few only more the number more the protest ......and forming union and getting selfish.

question can come why 8 kms why not till 10 kms as per recommendation of  ganguly commission report ....we will have a bigger protest ....i am aware of several cases in one of the top schools of delhi where many kids would have got admission had this criteria be relaxed by few hundred metres ...cases where both alumni & sibbling points are there but no distance points.

There is no  end for this debate lets all humbly respect the decisions and move on ........there so much to do and so little time left !


You have very well flipped the two sides of the coin of our admission process. Seeing the above comments I feel your rational thinking has brought parents closer to get move further in forward bias mode in our admission process.

We will witness the nursery admissions chaos every year. Matter can't be solved only by removing point system or changes in criteria. 

Until and unless, steps won't be taken to improve the condition of Government schools, situation will not improve.

I personally think that situation was getting quite better till Manish Sisodia was taking a tab on all the schools and there was a panic among the school management.


I totally disagree, yes schools were scared due to party reputation. when many friends approached them to intervene

1 Sibling friend of mine staying beyond 8km in last wek of dec was told cannot help him

2 Mr Sisodia did not  do anything inspite of being in  power from Dec

3 Helpline was a flop but helped yes initally as scared schools asking for donations

4 When approached then to intervene for transfer points ,he refused.

Disclaimer- I am not supporter of of any political party else as all are same

Well said Shruti....expectations led to disappointments and hence these chaos.....Hope next year it will be easier for other parents...

Well said

Shruti, your take is very realistic. We should learn from the past and present and make our future bright withe the existing one. It is seen in your comments. The need of the hour is to respect the decision and not to oppose. You rightly said atleast some kids are getting admission no matter yours not. We should treat other kids as our kids. 

Let us support the government and schools as well. All this has delayed the process and brought anguish among the parents. We should not forget the verses of our Gita. We are responsible for our actions. As you sow, so shall you reap. 

Anyway, I agree with you, and request everyone to respect the orders/guidelines. Confrontations if any should be sorted out immediately after this year's process is over. Donations must be curtailed as it will encourage corruption not only in the education system, but in other sectors also. Who gives donation? Ask yourself. To me, he who have earned through mal-practices at large or who have got it in heritage..virasat. Such persons should think of others who may be working as your maids/servants. So, support the machinery with your valuable justified approach for the next session guidelines. 


You missed 2 demands pls see :)))))))))

Ajay - I did not miss it. It is really disappointing. Sick of this.. Parents wake up and try to mobilise few other parents who are facing the same situation. 

Fact of the matter is that it is not the criteria parents are fighting against but not falling under a relevant criteria is the problem. 

As they say - "Angoor Khatte hain" whereas maturity would have been a better solution. The same parents would have been supporting these had they fulfilled alumni or sibling criteria.. But the worst part is 'Parents to Parents, Government uske bhi baap'

Sadly the role of government in dealing with this issue shows the immaturity and incompetency of the government... 


We will highlight this soon .

We raised voice long time back and if new guidelines don't have these points. why start blame game again at the last leg Mr Vohra did before admissions started in 2011.

@sakshi mam its a link of 2011 ... is this applicable this year as well???? 2014?????


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