Nursery Admissions in Delhi NCR 2025-26

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Gurgaon Admissions Open 2014-2015 ~ Common thread for school admissions forms, dates results,Parents are requested to update the thread with admissions dates

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Thanks Parul.

Your answer confirms that you are highly obsessed with LVIS.

See I have already blocked the seat in LVIS and even I am very happy about that.

But that does not mean that we overlook other schools.

DAV and Amity, both are old established schools with proven results.

Parents who were planned for today interaction in LVIS for Nursery - Is the interaction going on same way as for the parents of first list of candidates. Is the call for interaction means admission confirmed?

Kunal - Congrats. Not sure the criteria that you are looking but according to me LVIS is better than DPS 45 in all aspects. One of my friend had recently shifted to GGN and admitted her son in DPS-45 Nursery. She is not happy and her son is not et all happy there, he creates a lot of fuss in going to school and teachers dont care and dont want to take any kind of pain as they have lots of other kids to take care of so they cant pay individual attention to any one kid.

Hi Nisha, where do you stay.

and on what basis have you finalized on LVIS.

wht time r u going for interaction.

i'll be there ard. 10 am

Kunal what is the student teacher ratio of LVIS ?

for DPS it is 40:1

even we are in a fix between these 2 choices


Its 12 :1, i read in HT article two days back its also on homepage of this forum(HT Article snap shot)

For nursery, it is 28 kids with 2 teachers and 1 nanny

@ Shikha - I have been called in LVIS tomorrow at 9 AM, I stay in Sector 50 only. I have finalised it as I have got good feedback from so many parents for the aspects which I was looking for selecting school. Daily sport classes for kids, equal emphasis on academics as well as Extra curricular, They work a lot for overall devlopment of kids, good acaedmics.

@Shikha @Kunal between LVIS and DPS 45, I think LVIS is better both in terms of student teacher ratio and the infrastructure.


I agree with your thinking. Its very true that LVIS is a new schoo with nice facilities but at the same time these schools are quiet new who are also in nascent stage where they are also learning something new every single day.Moreover due to lot of hype in few schools it does not ensure that one should also start believing the same. In short, I would just like to say that we cannot deny the famous saying "Old is Gold" which time & again proves to be the fact.

Hope you would also agree to me.


Congrats Amit.

hi sakshi,

just to update i have secured admission for my kid in LVIS.

i had interaction today and they accepted the fees on spot.

it was short meeting with principal for10 families in one slot.

she was quite clear what was meant by neighborhood concept, she meant pre nursery kids are very small and so u cannot travel long distances so thats why neighbor hood.(?)

my house is like <3kms and i was not in first call of 2nd sept.

anyhow i would like to thank u for sure . i say u definitly deserve a huge thanks from parents and kids since u r doing wonerful job as a moderator.

few cosmetic suggestion for your website though

1. school list which appears vertivally should be horizontally , since it takes times to scroll down to reach bottom of page

2. ads of school make page heavy and make performance slow, so they must be overlapping

3 your mobile version should be more efficient u can check by opening on handset

thanks once again for the help.

i have always recommended this website to all my friends who are in diiferent part of NCR.

will keep u posted on anyhting which comes new

thanks and all the best




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